First Moment of Truth (FMOT) in Marketing: What does it Mean & How to use (2025)

When it comes to marketing, the first moment of truth (FMOT) is one of the most important things to focus on. This is the moment when a customer first interacts with your product or service.

If you can make a good impression here, you’re more likely to convert that customer into a buyer. In this article, we’ll discuss what FMOT means and how brands can use it to their advantage.

FMOT definition

FMOT is the first time a customer comes in contact with a product or service. It’s called the first moment of truth.

P&G coined the term “First Moment of Truth” in 2005. Initially, they described FMOT as the first 3to 5 seconds when a shopper notices a product in a retail environment. But FMOT can include any first interaction such as a TV ad, mention on a radio station, Youtube video, magazine appearance, email newsletter or a top-of-the-funnel online flipbook newsletter, or banner ad.

The FMOT will influence the buying decisions consumers make about a product. Therefore, it is essential for businesses that their FMOT represents the quality of their product or service.

Where can FMOT happen?

The FMOT can happen both online and offline, and it is important for businesses to understand how to optimize both channels. Online, the FMOT happens on a brand’s website or social media platforms. Offline, it can happen in brick-and-mortar stores, at events, or even through word-of-mouth marketing.

First Moment of Truth (FMOT) in Marketing: What does it Mean & How to use (1)

Here are some concrete examples of FMOT:

  • A customer looks at your window-shop display
  • A consumer tries your brand’s cheese samples in a superstore
  • A person finds your hotel booking website through a Google search
  • A spa hands out a packages brochure
  • An internet company rep shares their plans with a customer

As you can see, there are some FMOT channels you can control, while others you can’t. If you want favorable first moments of truth, focus on the quality of your product.

How brands can use FMOT

A marketer’s job is to make sure that the FMOT is positive and memorable. This is even more important when you consider that 81% of customers have already made up their minds before entering a store.

There are several ways to do this:

  • offer high-quality products
  • provide excellent customer service
  • create attractive and informative packaging
  • advertise on channels where your customers spend time
  • Add testimonials and ratings on your websites to build trust

By taking care of the FMOT, marketers can increase their chances of a positive purchase decision.

SMOT in social media

In the age of social media, the FMOT can happen anywhere, anytime. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your business is putting its best foot forward at all times.

Keep a few things in mind when it comes to the FMOT and social media.

First, make sure your branding is consistent across all platforms. This means using the same logos, colors, and aesthetics on everything from your website to your Twitter profile.

Second, be sure to keep your content fresh and engaging. No one wants to see the same old thing day after day, so mix things up and keep things interesting.

Lastly, don’t forget to interact with your customers and followers. Social media is all about building relationships. So make sure you’re responsive to comments, questions, and concerns.


There are other moments of truth as well. Using these in combination with FMOT, you can prepare for each step of your buyer’s journey.

First Moment of Truth (FMOT) in Marketing: What does it Mean & How to use (2)

ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth)

The Zero Moment of Truth has become increasingly important for businesses. This is the moment when consumers become aware of a product or service and begin to research it.

They may have a specific need or want that they are trying to fulfill. And they will use the internet and other sources to find out more about their options.

This research process can be critical for businesses. It can influence whether a consumer decides to make a purchase. In a Google study, 84% of the shoppers said that ZMOT shapes their buying decisions.

As such, it is essential for businesses to be visible during the Zero Moment of Truth. They need to provide accurate and relevant information to consumers. By doing so, they can maximize their chances of making a sale.

SMOT (Second Moment of Truth)

The second moment of truth (SMOT) follows FMOT. It’s when a consumer tries and uses a product, and then decides whether to buy it again.

This specific moment can make or break a product in the market. As it’s the first time users get to experience the benefits or drawbacks of what they’ve purchased.

A delightful and memorable experience will result in positive reviews and repeat customers. While a negative experience will likely do the opposite.

Businesses must ensure that their products deliver on their promises to have a favorable SMOT. They should also master the art of soliciting in-product feedback from customers in different forms to understand their genuine response to their product.

TMOT (Third Moment of Truth)

The third moment of truth is where the product experience produces an emotion that leads to a conversation about the brand. This could be anything from curiosity and passion to anger.

It’s the moment when people are most likely to form an opinion about the brand and share it with others. For a brand to succeed, it needs to create a positive emotion that will lead to customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth marketing.

There are a few key things that brands can do to ensure a positive third moment of truth.

First, they need to design products that are easy to use and deliver a great user experience.

Second, they need to provide excellent customer service and be available to answer any questions or concerns.

Finally, they need to create compelling content that tells a story and connects with people on an emotional level.

Your moment of truth

The first moment of truth is a critical juncture for any marketer. It’s the time when your potential customer becomes interested in what you have to offer and starts considering making a purchase.

Create effective ads, emails, solo ads, landing pages, or products. Use them to capture attention and provide information customers need at that moment. Then you’re well on your way to driving more sales.

Of course, it takes more than one great marketing effort to seal the deal. But getting the first moment of truth right is important if you want to increase conversions and boost your bottom line.

First Moment of Truth (FMOT) in Marketing: What does it Mean & How to use (2025)


First Moment of Truth (FMOT) in Marketing: What does it Mean & How to use? ›

This term was coined by P&G in 2005. FMOT refers to the 3 to 5 seconds when a shopper notices an item in a retail environment (invariably due to the packaging interrupting the shoppers' attention to prompt brand recognition) and makes a decision as to whether or not they purchase the item.

What is the first moment of truth in marketing? ›

First moment of truth (FMOT): When a customer is first confronted with the product, either offline or online. It occurs within the first 3-7 seconds of a consumer encountering the product and it is during this time that marketers have the capability of turning a browser into a buyer.

What is an example of a Fmot? ›

Here are some concrete examples of FMOT: A customer looks at your window-shop display. A consumer tries your brand's cheese samples in a superstore. A person finds your hotel booking website through a Google search.

What is an example of a moment of truth in marketing? ›

Let's pretend a customer is browsing a store and notices something interesting. When customers first encounter a product, they generate an opinion about it, leading them to make a purchase or leave it as it is. This is an example of the first moment of truth (FMOT).

What is moment of truth in easy words? ›

A moment of truth (MOT) is marketing lingo for any opportunity a customer (or potential customer) has to form an impression about a company, brand, product or service. Marketers strive to use moments of truth to create positive, customer-centric outcomes.

What is the meaning of Fmot? ›

This term was coined by P&G in 2005. FMOT refers to the 3 to 5 seconds when a shopper notices an item in a retail environment (invariably due to the packaging interrupting the shoppers' attention to prompt brand recognition) and makes a decision as to whether or not they purchase the item.

What are the three stages of a moment of truth? ›

The concept of moments of truth was originally articulated by A.G. Lafley, a former CEO of Procter & Gamble, who identified two key moments: First Moment of Truth (FMOT) and Second Moment of Truth (SMOT). Later, Google added third moment, the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT).

How can you create moment of truth with example? ›

So as counterintuitive as it may be, to get the green light, to create a moment of truth, you need to give people information they can't argue with. Things they want, know, or do that are in opposition to each other. You need to give them truths they can't question individually but that create a question together.

What is an example of truth functionally true? ›

For example, the connective "and" is truth-functional since a sentence like "Apples are fruits and carrots are vegetables" is true if, and only if, each of its sub-sentences "apples are fruits" and "carrots are vegetables" is true, and it is false otherwise.

What best describes moment of truth? ›

A moment of truth is simply any interaction during which a customer may form an impression of your brand or product. This impression may be either positive or negative.

Why is moment of truth important in service marketing? ›

Moments of truth have a critical impact on a customer's relationship with your brand. They determine your customers' perception and their reaction to your brand. These moments of truth don't only influence the purchases of those customers who experience them. They also impact the purchase decisions of other people.

What is the most important moment of truth for a consumer? ›

The first moment of truth refers to the first 3-7 seconds of a consumer coming in contact with your product or service whether online or in a physical store. This is the actual moment of conversion for marketers.

What is the first moment of truth? ›

First Moment of Truth (FMOT)

The FMOT, as first defined by Procter & Gamble, is centered on when a potential customer encounters your product or service for the first time.

Why is it called moment of truth? ›

A critical or decisive time, at which one is put to the ultimate test, as in Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth—can we afford to live here or not? This expression, a translation of the Spanish el momento de la verdad , signifies the point in a bullfight when the matador makes the kill.

What happens during moment of truth? ›

By definition, moments of truth are various points throughout the customer journey where the shoppers create an impression of a business, product, or service. These impressions then impact the shopper's purchasing decisions in the future.

What is the first stage of truth? ›

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

What are the stages of moments of truth? ›

It's the first moment of truth in a relationship. There are six steps in that relationship; that is, the customer lifecycle: discovery, evaluation, purchase, use/experience, bond, and advocacy. Almost any company with a reasonably incentivized sales team can get through the first three or four parts of the lifecycle.

What is second moment of truth in marketing? ›

Second Moment of Truth (SMOT) refers to the moment when the consumer experiences a product or service following the purchase decision. The SMOT will determine the consumer's brand perception and future buying decisions.

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