Hydrogen Water Australia: The Future of Hydration? (2024)


In recent years, hydrogen water has been making waves in Australia's health and wellness scene. This innovative beverage, which is regular water infused with additional hydrogen gas (H2), has captured the attention of health-conscious Australians seeking potential benefits beyond standard hydration. Hydrogen water Australia has emerged as a topic of interest for those exploring cutting-edge wellness trends and looking for ways to potentially enhance their overall health and well-being.

The concept of hydrogen-enriched water is rooted in the idea that molecular hydrogen may act as a powerful antioxidant in the body. By increasing the concentration of hydrogen in water through various technological processes, proponents suggest that hydrogen water could offer a range of health benefits. These potential advantages include reduced oxidative stress, improved athletic performance, and enhanced recovery (Ohta, 2011). However, it's crucial to approach these claims with a critical eye, as research in this field is still evolving, and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has not yet evaluated or approved specific health claims for hydrogen water products.

As the popularity of hydrogen water grows in Australia, consumers are faced with an array of options, from portable hydrogen water bottles to sophisticated under-sink systems. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of hydrogen water technology in Australia, exploring the science behind its production, the potential benefits and limitations, and the various products available in the Australian market. We'll delve into key considerations for choosing a hydrogen water machine, discuss proper usage and maintenance, and examine the current regulatory landscape. By the end of this article, readers will have a well-rounded understanding of hydrogen water Australia, enabling them to make informed decisions about incorporating this technology into their daily lives.

Introduction to Hydrogen Water Technology in Australia

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, a novel concept in the realm of hydration, has been gaining traction in Australia's health and wellness community. At its core, hydrogen water is simply regular water that has been infused with additional molecular hydrogen (H2). This process aims to increase the concentration of hydrogen gas dissolved in water, potentially offering benefits beyond standard hydration (Ohta, 2011).

The fundamental difference between hydrogen water and regular water lies in the increased presence of molecular hydrogen. While ordinary water (H2O) already contains hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen, hydrogen water introduces additional H2 molecules that are not bound to other elements. This free-floating hydrogen is thought to be more readily available for absorption by the body, potentially acting as a powerful antioxidant (Ohsawa et al., 2007).

The history of hydrogen water technology can be traced back to the early 2000s in Japan, where researchers began exploring the potential health benefits of molecular hydrogen. Since then, the concept has spread globally, reaching Australian shores in recent years. The growing interest in hydrogen water in Australia reflects a broader trend towards exploring innovative approaches to health and wellness.

The Science Behind Hydrogen Water

The production of hydrogen water relies on several technological processes, with electrolysis being the most common method used in hydrogen water machines available in Australia. Electrolysis involves passing an electric current through water to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases. In the context of hydrogen water production, the goal is to infuse the water with additional hydrogen while removing the oxygen (Nakao et al., 2010).

Advanced hydrogen water machines in Australia often employ Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology. These sophisticated systems use a solid polymer membrane as an electrolyte, allowing for more efficient and controlled hydrogen generation. SPE/PEM technology is particularly valued for its ability to produce high-purity hydrogen without the need for caustic liquid electrolytes (Shen et al., 2020).

The concentration of hydrogen in water is typically measured in parts per billion (ppb) or parts per million (ppm). High-quality hydrogen water machines in Australia aim to achieve concentrations ranging from 800 ppb to 1.6 ppm or higher. This measurement is crucial, as it indicates the potential potency of the hydrogen water. However, it's important to note that the optimal concentration for health benefits is still a subject of ongoing research (LeBaron et al., 2019).

Potential Benefits of Hydrogen Water

The growing interest in hydrogen water in Australia stems from its potential health benefits, primarily attributed to its antioxidant properties. Molecular hydrogen is thought to act as a selective antioxidant, targeting harmful free radicals while leaving beneficial reactive oxygen species intact. This selective action may help reduce oxidative stress without disrupting normal cellular functions (Ohta, 2015).

Some studies have suggested that hydrogen water may have anti-inflammatory effects. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted by Aoki et al. (2012) found that drinking hydrogen-rich water for 4 weeks reduced markers of inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. However, it's crucial to note that more extensive research is needed to confirm these effects in larger populations.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts in Australia have shown interest in hydrogen water for its potential to improve athletic performance and recovery. A study by Mikami et al. (2019) observed that drinking hydrogen-rich water before exercise could reduce blood lactate levels and improve exercise-induced decline of muscle function in male soccer players. While these results are promising, they should be interpreted cautiously, and more research is needed to establish definitive benefits.

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Other potential benefits that have been explored in preliminary studies include:

  • Enhanced energy levels and focus
  • Improved skin health
  • Better sleep quality
  • Faster hangover recovery
  • Support for joint and muscle health

It's important to emphasize that while these potential benefits are intriguing, the research is still in its early stages. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has not evaluated or approved specific health claims for hydrogen water products. Consumers should approach these claims with a critical mindset and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

Current Research and Limitations

The field of hydrogen water research is rapidly evolving, with new studies emerging regularly. However, it's crucial to recognize the limitations of the current body of evidence. Many studies have been conducted on animal models or with small sample sizes, and more extensive human trials are needed to confirm the observed effects.

A systematic review by Ichihara et al. (2015) analyzed the available literature on molecular hydrogen as a therapeutic medical gas. While the review found promising results in various areas, including cardiovascular health and neuroprotection, the authors emphasized the need for larger, well-designed clinical trials to establish efficacy and safety in humans.

In Australia, research on hydrogen water is still in its infancy. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has not yet conducted extensive studies on hydrogen water, highlighting the need for more local research to understand its effects in the Australian context.

The TGA's stance on health claims for hydrogen water products remains cautious. As of now, hydrogen water is not classified as a therapeutic good in Australia, and manufacturers are restricted from making specific health claims without appropriate evidence and approval. This regulatory environment underscores the importance of consumers approaching hydrogen water with realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the current limitations in scientific evidence.

Hydrogen Water Machines Available in Australia

Portable Hydrogen Water Bottles

Portable hydrogen water bottles have gained popularity in Australia due to their convenience and on-the-go hydrogen generation capabilities. These devices typically range in capacity from 350ml to 550ml, making them suitable for personal daily use. Most models available in the Australian market feature rechargeable batteries, allowing users to produce hydrogen-rich water anywhere within 3-10 minutes.

Popular brands in Australia include:

  1. HydroFlux: Offers a range of portable bottles with SPE/PEM technology.
  2. Hydrogen Health: Provides compact bottles with high hydrogen concentration claims.
  3. Boundless: Features bottles with integrated filtration systems.

Pros of portable hydrogen water bottles include their convenience, ease of use, and ability to produce fresh hydrogen water on demand. However, they may have limitations in terms of water capacity and hydrogen concentration compared to larger, stationary units.

Countertop Hydrogen Water Machines

Countertop hydrogen water machines offer a higher capacity solution for home use in Australia. These devices are designed to produce larger quantities of hydrogen-rich water and often incorporate more powerful hydrogen generation technology.

Key features of countertop machines available in Australia include:

  • Capacities ranging from 2 to 5 liters
  • Higher hydrogen concentrations (often exceeding 1.2 ppm)
  • Additional water filtration capabilities
  • Multiple water settings (e.g., different pH levels)

Leading models in the Australian market include the AlkaViva H2 Series and the HydroFlux Home System. These machines often come with a higher price tag but offer more advanced features and higher output compared to portable bottles.

Under-sink Hydrogen Water Systems

For Australians seeking a more integrated solution, under-sink hydrogen water systems provide continuous access to hydrogen-rich water directly from the tap. These systems connect to the home's water supply and typically offer the highest hydrogen concentration and output capacity.

Key considerations for under-sink systems include:

  • Professional installation may be required
  • Higher initial cost but potentially more cost-effective in the long run
  • Continuous supply of hydrogen-rich water
  • Often include comprehensive water filtration systems

While less common than portable and countertop options, under-sink systems are gaining traction among Australian consumers who prioritize convenience and high-volume hydrogen water production.

Pre-packaged Hydrogen Water

Pre-packaged hydrogen water is also available in Australia, offering a convenient option for those who prefer not to invest in a hydrogen water machine. These products come in canned or bottled form and are marketed as ready-to-drink hydrogen-infused water.

However, it's important to note that the hydrogen content in pre-packaged water can dissipate over time, potentially reducing its effectiveness. The shelf life and hydrogen retention of these products vary, and consumers should pay attention to production and expiration dates when purchasing.

While pre-packaged hydrogen water offers convenience, it may not provide the same level of freshness and hydrogen concentration as water produced by on-demand machines. Additionally, the environmental impact of single-use packaging is a consideration for environmentally conscious consumers in Australia.


Hydrogen water technology has emerged as an intriguing development in the Australian health and wellness landscape. While the potential benefits of hydrogen-rich water are promising, it's important to approach this trend with a balanced perspective, considering both the existing research and the current limitations in our understanding.

The science behind hydrogen water is rooted in its potential antioxidant properties, with studies suggesting possible benefits ranging from reduced oxidative stress to improved athletic performance. However, it's crucial to note that much of the existing research is preliminary, and more extensive human trials are needed to conclusively establish the efficacy and safety of hydrogen water consumption. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has not yet evaluated or approved specific health claims for hydrogen water products, underscoring the need for consumers to approach marketing claims with caution.

For Australians interested in exploring hydrogen water, a variety of options are available, from portable bottles to sophisticated under-sink systems. When choosing a hydrogen water machine, key factors to consider include hydrogen concentration, water capacity, filtration capabilities, and overall value for money. It's advisable to opt for reputable brands that provide transparent information about their products' specifications and performance.

As the hydrogen water market continues to evolve in Australia, it's likely that we'll see further advancements in technology and more comprehensive research emerge. For now, consumers should approach hydrogen water as a potential complement to a healthy lifestyle rather than a miracle solution. It's always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to one's hydration or dietary habits.

In conclusion, while hydrogen water represents an exciting frontier in hydration technology, it's essential for Australian consumers to stay informed, critically evaluate claims, and make decisions based on scientific evidence rather than marketing hype. As research progresses, we may gain a clearer understanding of the role hydrogen water can play in supporting health and wellness in the Australian context.

Key Highlights and Actionable Tips

  • Hydrogen water is regular water infused with additional hydrogen gas (H2), potentially offering benefits beyond standard hydration.
  • The production of hydrogen water often involves electrolysis, with advanced machines using SPE/PEM technology for efficient hydrogen generation.
  • Potential benefits include reduced oxidative stress, improved athletic performance, and enhanced recovery, though more research is needed.
  • Hydrogen water machines in Australia come in various forms: portable bottles, countertop units, and under-sink systems.
  • When choosing a hydrogen water machine, consider factors like hydrogen concentration, water capacity, and filtration capabilities.
  • Approach health claims cautiously, as the TGA has not yet evaluated or approved specific claims for hydrogen water products.
  • Consult healthcare professionals before making significant changes to hydration habits.

What is the optimal concentration of hydrogen in water for potential health benefits?

While research is ongoing, studies suggest that concentrations ranging from 800 ppb to 1.6 ppm or higher may be beneficial. However, the optimal concentration for health benefits is still a subject of debate and further research is needed to establish definitive guidelines (LeBaron et al., 2019).

How long does hydrogen-rich water maintain its properties after production?

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The stability of hydrogen in water can vary depending on storage conditions. Generally, hydrogen gas can start to dissipate within hours of production. It's recommended to consume hydrogen water shortly after it's generated for maximum potential benefit. Some advanced storage methods may help prolong hydrogen retention, but fresh production is often considered ideal.

Are there any potential side effects or contraindications for drinking hydrogen water?

While hydrogen water is generally considered safe, there's limited long-term research on its effects. Some individuals may experience mild digestive discomfort when first introducing hydrogen water. As with any significant change to your diet or hydration routine, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.

How does the environmental impact of hydrogen water machines compare to bottled water?

Hydrogen water machines, particularly countertop and under-sink systems, may have a lower environmental impact compared to single-use bottled water. They reduce plastic waste and transportation emissions associated with bottled water. However, the production and eventual disposal of these machines should also be considered. The overall environmental impact would depend on factors such as the machine's lifespan, energy efficiency, and the user's consumption patterns.

Can hydrogen water be used in cooking or for making other beverages?

Hydrogen water can be used in cooking and for making other beverages, though the heating process may cause the hydrogen to dissipate more quickly. Some suggest using hydrogen water in cold brewing tea or coffee to potentially preserve more of the hydrogen content. However, the effects of using hydrogen water in food preparation have not been extensively studied, and any potential benefits remain speculative.

References (Click to Expand)

Aoki, K., Nakao, A., Adachi, T., Matsui, Y., & Miyakawa, S. (2012). Pilot study: Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes. Medical Gas Research, 2(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/2045-9912-2-12

Ichihara, M., Sobue, S., Ito, M., Ito, M., Hirayama, M., & Ohno, K. (2015). Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen - comprehensive review of 321 original articles. Medical Gas Research, 5(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13618-015-0035-1

LeBaron, T. W., Kura, B., Kalocayova, B., Tribulova, N., & Slezak, J. (2019). A new approach for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Molecular hydrogen significantly reduces the effects of oxidative stress. Molecules, 24(11), 2076. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24112076

Mikami, T., Tano, K., Lee, H., Lee, H., Park, J., Ohta, F., ... & Nakao, A. (2019). Drinking hydrogen water enhances endurance and relieves psychometric fatigue: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 97(9), 857-862. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjpp-2019-0059

Nakao, A., Toyoda, Y., Sharma, P., Evans, M., & Guthrie, N. (2010). Effectiveness of hydrogen rich water on antioxidant status of subjects with potential metabolic syndrome—an open label pilot study. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 46(2), 140-149. https://doi.org/10.3164/jcbn.09-100

Ohsawa, I., Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, K., Watanabe, M., Nishimaki, K., Yamagata, K., ... & Ohta, S. (2007). Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals. Nature Medicine, 13(6), 688-694. https://doi.org/10.1038/nm1577

Ohta, S. (2011). Recent progress toward hydrogen medicine: potential of molecular hydrogen for preventive and therapeutic applications. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 17(22), 2241-2252. https://doi.org/10.2174/138161211797052664

Ohta, S. (2015). Molecular hydrogen as a novel antioxidant: overview of the advantages of hydrogen for medical applications. Methods in Enzymology, 555, 289-317. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.mie.2014.11.038

Shen, M., Zhang, H., Yu, C., Wang, F., & Sun, X. (2020). A review of experimental studies of hydrogen as a new therapeutic agent in emergency and critical care medicine. Medical Gas Research, 10(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.4103/2045-9912.279978

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